Who do you think will win the Super Bowl?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Apple Orchards

About six weeks ago I was bartending in New Orleans at a fancy pants restaurant when the owner went to the store for limes.  I told her that I was completely out of limes for a busy Saturday night.  When she came back from the store, she only had three limes.  3!!!!!!  For anybody out there who has not bartended...This is not enough limes.  There were many different reasons I quit my job that night.  But the limes were the last straw, if you can believe that.  So, I got a job in the Pacific Northwest harvesting organic apples.  I live on the farm.  I work from about sun rise to sun set.  It is not incredibly hard work, but it takes its toll after a long day.  My hands get sore from using the clippers too much.  I do get to eat as many apples as I want.  That is pretty cool.  Thank goodness I like apples.  I work in the orchard, eating all the organic apples I want.  I make money and live for free.  The pay isn't terrible.  I have time to work on school most of the time.  It is a simple life.  It is kinda nice to not think about society.  I wish I was on a break from school.  I would have more time to go messing around the countryside.  I have been living a simple easy life for the last six weeks or so.  It is sooooo nice.  Hope all of you have been having an alright time.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Dylan,

    I am envious, though I understand the labor. I picked oranges once and my mother worked in an apple orchard when I was a kid.

    I have lived the simpler life and long for it now. Somehow I got sucked into the mortgage and city life. How can this have happened to someone who once lived "off the grid." I can blame having kids, but hey I am on my own now . . . why do I not change my lifestyle back around again? You tell me!
